
These listings are sourced from Curricunet, and some courses may not be offered every semester. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 咨询 或者参考电流 课程安排和学院目录.

id48 -室内设计制图    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course will introduce basic drafting techniques as related to architectural working drawings for interior design. 重点是字母, 测量技术, 规模的问题, 使用建筑和NKBA图形标准, 尺寸标注, 计划, 海拔高度, 部分, 建筑刻字和透视图.

  1. 示范正确使用绘图设备, metric and imperial scale applications and 测量技术 per NKBA recommendation.
  2. Demonstrate understanding of architectural blueprints in order to translate dimension and building features accurately.
  3. Demonstrate competency in producing drawings using NKBA Graphic and Presentation Standards to convey the design solution clearly.
  4. Demonstrates competency in producing drawings using architectural standards to convey the design solution clearly.
  5. Communicates the design solution by developing a written and oral design statement to substantiate the project to the client.
  6. 演示电气符号的正确应用.

用于设计和视觉传达的数字工具    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍数位工具与电脑辅助设计绘图. 能够在二维空间中有效地运用基本设计原则. 主题包括命令基础,包括绘图实体的创建和修改, 行业分层标准, 适合于建筑的文本和尺寸系统, 创建符号库, 外部参考技术, 模型和纸张空间命令, 以及绘图技巧.

  1. 识别适合计算机辅助设计制图的硬件使用和限制.
  2. 在多个视图和地块中选择合适的比例.
  3. Construct drawings using Digital software software and justify external reference files and images to drawings.
  4. 关注AIA(美国建筑师协会)标准层系统.
  5. 在多个视图和地块中选择合适的比例.

id50 -住宅空间规划    ( 3.00 -单位)
This course will go through basic techniques for drafting kits in planning space and selecting a home for interior designers. Things to consider when planning a space in a home: a support system for private and group living spaces, 室内空间的功能元素, 内墙色彩, 休闲区, 娱乐空间, 用餐区.There are also factors to consider when selecting a home: location, climate, aesthetics and 经济.

  1. 解释与效用相关的空间原理, 经济, 生活环境的美与个性.
  2. Design group and private spaces and explain the demands that group activities place on space relationships.
  3. 绘制平面图和立面图.

id51 -数码制图原理    ( 3.00 -单位)
词汇入门, 工具, 以及室内设计师的图形技术, 利用计算机辅助方法进行通信, 重点是住宅室内设计图纸,包括封面, 地板上的计划, 完成计划, 电, 机械及水管工程图则.

  1. 确定室内住宅的基本元素, 电, 机械, 管道系统及其在施工文件中的应用;
  2. identify reprographic options and system in computer-aided drafting standards as prescribed by the AIA (American Institute of Architects);
  3. incorporate basic Uniform Building Code requirements to residential construction drawings;
  4. use industry conventions to complete working drawings for a interior residential wood frame structure.

内饰和家具的历史    ( 3.00 -单位)
A survey of the history of interiors and furnishings from Egyptian period to the present. 强调家具风格和装饰.

  1. 描述与家具相关的日期、风格和艺术纪念碑.
  2. 说明欧美家具设计的关系
  3. 描述主要艺术运动的典型装饰特征

id54 -室内设计原理    ( 3.00 -单位)
The course is intended to provide students with the knowledge of elements and principles of design as they apply to interiors and to analyze interiors using basic design concepts. 在挑选家居陈设时,重点是色彩和质感的运用.

  1. 选择一个有效地运用室内设计原则的空间.
  2. 规划和协调一间让设计师满意的卧室和客厅.
  3. Compile the materials and furniture for a living room and dining room which meet the needs of a client.

ID 55 -纺织品入门    ( 3.00 -单位)
纺织工业及其对服装和家居市场的影响. 纤维鉴定、纱织物施工、装饰. 强调消费者信息, 织物的性能, 注意事项和标签, 以及行业的法律责任.

  1. 识别特定纤维的特性、结构和性能.
  2. Explain the expected performance of natural and synthetic fibers and their properties and the necessity of labeling; identify fabric weaves and other construction; explain legal constraint on textile and apparel manufacturers.
  3. Describe the problems relating to the use and care of fabric finishes; describe how designs are applied through dyeing and printing;
  4. Identify the important fabric resources and the role they plan in the total fashion manufacturing process and in fashion merchandising

id56 -专业实践    ( 3.00 -单位)
室内设计实践包括商业和营销方面, 批发资源开发, 设计演示和职业准备, 合同义务.

  1. 描述室内设计师所需要的基本业务技能, 包括会计, 账单费用, 补偿, 基本合同和法律责任. Also describe a total design project and the designer’s responsibilities to the client.
  2. Explain varying 补偿 methods; state the importance of public relations and publicity as ways for building a clientele; and summarize networking opportunities
  3. Draw furniture layouts and present ideas to a client; create a plan for estimating and costing.

ID 58 -照明的基本原理    ( 3.00 -单位)
Residential and commercial lighting systems as they apply to what constitutes a well-lit interior space. 包括对当前照明装置和照明资源的调查.

  1. Evaluate existing commercial and residential lighting installations and discuss how artificial and natural light can be used to render color.
  2. Design a lighting system for a residential and commercial establishment using drafting equipment and develop a lighting proposal for a client, 包括景观照明.
  3. 阅读反光天花板平面图,包括电气符号和字母的使用. 讨论标题24在商业住宅照明设计中的应用.

id60 -材料和资源    ( 3.00 -单位)
Survey of residential and commercial interior furnishings with attention to product knowledge of furniture, 纺织品, 陶瓷, 玻璃, 金属, 塑料, 复合材料. 执行相关活动所需的技能.

  1. Describe trends in the design and manufacture of furnishings and accessories for residential and commercial interiors.
  2. Explain the nature of the materials used in the production of furnishings made of wood, 纺织品, 玻璃, 陶瓷, 金属, 塑料及复合材料.
  3. 识别资源和供应商,以及他们的商业行为.

ID 62 -厨房和浴室设计    ( 3.00 -单位)
厨房和浴室设计领域的调查. 包括资源,材料,趋势,成本和需求,功能和美学.

  1. 学生将学习 & 了解NKBA规划指引 & 图形标准
  2. 学生将精通测量和报告现有的测量结果
  3. 学生将设计 & 制作厨房空间的施工图
  4. 学生将设计 & 制作一个浴室空间的施工图

id70 -先进的厨房和浴室设计    ( 3.00 -单位)
National Kitchen and Bath (NKBA) planning guidelines and NKBA Access Standards for kitchen and bath. 重点设计一个通用厨房和通用浴室. Creation of working documents to design a kitchen and bath from its beginning to completion.

  1. 学生将设计 & 根据NKBA标准为厨房项目制作施工图
  2. 学生将设计 & 根据NKBA标准,为Bath项目制作工作图纸
  3. 学生将运用NKBA规划指南、图形学知识 & 专业资源库 & 准备AKBD

id72 -商业室内设计    ( 3.00 -单位)
商业设计领域概论. 注重室内空间的设计,如办公室、餐厅和酒店. 课程是韦德1946空间规划的, 室内规格和家具规划, 以及编程和代码需求.

  1. 制定商业空间的平面图、电气平面图和内部立面图;
  2. 利用空间规划制定商业空间的家具布局;
  3. 解释如何指定商业材料和家具.

id73 -数字制图原则II    ( 3.00 -单位)
Continuation of ID 51 with emphasis on architectural interior working drawings for non-residential buildings with wood, 砌筑, 钢和混凝土结构. Application of advanced computer-aided drafting techniques for architectural construction documents will be reviewed, 电子/网络信息源的使用也将如此, 包括建筑图形标准, 糖果目录, 以及统一建筑规范.

  1. 能够在非住宅项目中使用统一建筑规范.
  2. 确定并执行非住宅建筑的关键细节.
  3. Use computer-aided drafting and internet resources for compiling nonresidential construction documents.
  4. 使用行业惯例完成小型砖石工程的施工图, 钢, 混凝土, 木结构结构.

id74 -实习    ( 3.00 -单位)
Provides the focal point for the coordination of the student's curriculum with college supervised employment/volunteering in the student's major field. Emphasis on building strong working relationships with supervisors, subordinates, co-workers. 与现代工作场所有关的问题.

  1. 有与厨房相关的工作经验吗 & 浴的职业
  2. 学习厨房知识 & 沐浴产品
  3. 学习或掌握一些厨房软件的知识 & 卫浴行业
  4. 获得一些与客户、供应商和承包商打交道的经验